


Children begin their phonics learning in Foundation 1 using a programme called ‘Letters and Sounds’. In Foundation 2, the children move onto the Read Write Inc. programme.  This programme continues throughout Key Stage 1, where the children are taught in groupings which are devised according to their needs.  The children are rigorously monitored.  As a result, children are regrouped regularly ensuring good progression.  Our phonics teaching is highly successful.  In the three years prior to the pandemic, this has led to a greater proportion of children in Year 1 (and after retesting in Year 2) than is seen nationally, reaching the nationally expected level in the phonics screening test.

Phonics Long Term Plan


All children from F2 to Year 6 have a daily Shared Reading session. Shared Reading is carefully timetabled so that TAs and other adults from across the school are targeted in these sessions. Shared Reading is now a whole class approach based on reading quality texts through which fluency and comprehension skills are taught.  The books studied are carefully chosen and provide challenge to our children in their reading.

There is a daily story time session in which children are read to. We believe that children develop as readers and writers by listening to adults reading carefully selected, high quality texts.  At Maybury, the Pie Corbett Reading spine is used as the basis of the books that are chosen to be read to the children ensuring progression in reading materials throughout the year and across the years.  Teachers are also able to add books to story time that have relevance to the theme being studied or that are by an author already enjoyed by the children. 

Home reading books are banded so that children take home books that are carefully matched to their reading ability and reading understanding.  These books are chosen by the class teacher and TA.  In addition, children are also able to choose a book for pleasure to take home from the school library.  This book may be of a topic of interest to the child or may be a more challenging novel. 

Maybury Primary Being Read to for Pleasure 

Being Read to for Pleasure

Maybury Primary Reading Progression Content Domains 

Reading Progression Content Domains


Maybury Primary Writing Curriculum Progression and Process 2024-25

Writing Curriculum and Process

Maybury Primary English Curriculum Overviews 2023-24

EYFS English Overview

Y1 English Overview

Y2 English Overview

Y3 English Overview

Y4 English Overview

Y5 English Overview

Y6 English Overview