
School Uniform

School Uniform

It is important to turn up to school looking ready to learn as a member of our education community. Our school uniform makes our children look smart and ready to learn.

  • Plain (or with Maybury logo) white or red polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers or skirt
  • Plain (or with Maybury logo) red sweatshirt or cardigan

Polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans with the Maybury logo on are available from the school office. Red fleeces with the Maybury logo on are also available to purchase. 


 PE Kit

From PE, your child will need:

  • A plain (or school logo) red or white polo shirt or t-shirt
  • A pair of plain red or black shorts
  • A pair of plain black jogging bottoms
  • A pair of trainers

Children must not wear sports branded clothing for PE.


You can find out more about our uniform by contacting the school office.

Click here to view our contact details.

Click here to view our uniform price list.