'Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything’ – Plato
Music is part of the school culture at Maybury. It is a vibrant, exciting and important part of our school life. A child’s education should support and develop a child’s creative talents, and music is one of the highest forms of creativity.
At Maybury we have developed a high quality music curriculum to engage and inspire children to develop both a love of music and their talent as musicians. We believe that music helps build children’s self-esteem, confidence and self-discipline as well as leading to higher standards across the curriculum. And it is good for their well-being.
We believe that it is important that our children learn to listen and appreciate music, compose music and perform music. We also believe that it is important that they are given the opportunity to do this to a high standard.
Our curriculum has been carefully planned so that children gradually improve technically, building knowledge of how music works and becoming more expressively sophisticated. Many of our staff are not musical experts and so we use Charanga to support staff knowledge and expertise. This is enhanced by school developed units of work which are based on carefully chosen classical pieces of music. To further enhance understanding and appreciation of the works of the great composers and musicians, there is a planned whole school listening programme that encompasses music from a range of genres.
In most year groups, class teachers deliver music lessons; these are usually stand-alone lessons. The foundations for learning to read music are laid in EYFS and children are taught musical notation from Year 1.
We are fortunate to be well supported by the Hull Schools Music Service, which is part of the Hull Music Hub. Expert teachers supplement and enhance our own school provision and ensure that our children have a high quality music education. In Year 3 and Year 4, music is taught by a music specialist from the music service. Lessons throughout the school are rooted in practical music making so that over the course of time with us, the children learn to play the recorder, the pBuzz and a brass instrument.
For children who want to develop their musical talents even further, we offer peripatetic music lessons in a range of instruments including guitar, percussion and brass.
‘I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing’ – William James
Of course, the voice is the perfect musical instrument. Singing is a big part of our school life and children are taught and encouraged to sing on a regular basis through regular singing in assemblies, school performances and in music lessons.
Over the past three years, the school has been part of the Choral Hull singing strategy. Children in Year 4 and Year 5 receive expert tuition in singing through which they learn how to sing in groups and their experience of choral singing is cultivated. Opportunities for joining the Hull Minster Choir lead from this, as well as opportunities to perform in concerts and recitals.
The school boasts a choir, percussion ensemble, guitar ensemble and a brass band which all perform regularly. Our music curriculum ensures that children are equipped with the skills and personal attributes in order to be successful when performing at local, regional and national events. In addition to winning their classes in the Hull Music Festival, both the school choir and brass band have experienced performing as part of the Music for Youth National Festival for Music at Birmingham Symphony Hall and Birmingham Town Hall.