‘In these stones horizons sing’ (Gwyneth Lewis)
These words were adopted to reflect the ambition of the school for our children to flourish in all areas of learning; the words symbolise our beliefs for our children and their future. We strive to ensure that the walls of our building literally sing with the rich, engaging curriculum and opportunities provided for our children as we prepare them for life as they live now, for their secondary school years and ultimately adult life in modern Britain. Our aim is to develop ambitious, resilient, confident, well rounded, well-mannered children who know right from wrong, are tolerant and respectful so that the choices for their futures – their horizons – are maximised.
At Maybury, all staff are highly ambitious for all of our children; we offer learners the opportunity to succeed academically, socially, culturally, spiritually and physically. Staff have high aspirations for all children’s personal development.
Provision for personal development at Maybury is strong. It is embedded in our school ethos and is taught in a wide range of ways throughout the children's school lives. Developing the whole child for life in modern Britain is a key strength of the school. Each child is viewed as an individual and the school has a robust curriculum and systems in place to ensure that children are emotionally and physically healthy. The school holds the Jigsaw Mark of Excellence in recognition of this work.
Full details of our provision for Personal Development can be found in the following document:
Personal Development at Maybury
If you have any questions regarding Personal Development, then please do not hesitate to contact us.