
Humber Education Trust







Humber Education Trust (HET)

Maybury Primary School is proud to be part of the Humber Education Trust.  This is a group of schools working in a strong and effective partnership to deliver the best possible educational experience and educational outcomes for our pupils.

Statutory information is held at the HET central office (address below). Information regarding membership of Humber Education Trust, ownership and governance as well as financial records can be found by clicking here for the Humber Education Trust website. 

Links for specific areas of information can be found here:

Multi-Academy Trust:

Humber Education Trust - About Us

Financial Information:

Academy Financial Handbook 2022, Funding Agreement and Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts (including number of employees who have gross annual salary and benefits of £100, 000 or more:

Humber Education Trust - Financial Information

Governance Structure:

Governance Information:

Humber Education Trust - Governance Information


Humber Education Trust - Members


 Humber Education Trust - Trustees

Trust Statutory Documents:

Humber Education Trust - Key Documents

Trust Policies

 Humber Education Trust - Policies

Humber Education Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.  It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 08682547) whose registered office is c/o

Humber Education Trust
Bude Park Primary School
Cookbury Close

T: 01482 755674